Sunday, June 7, 2009

Super Saver Sunday!

Ok to be honest I am not in a Super Saving mood today due to some unforseen broohaha with our Home Owner's Association, which completely ruined my cool plans for today of making laundry soap. But I will make it and send out the photos and recipes for next Sunday. Oh well, life happens right?

Ok my big saver tip for this week has to do with party planning. As summer gets closer we tend to have more friends over and get together for those backyard bar-b-que's. One way to cut down the cost of those parties is to make it a potluck. Now for some this may seem like the most common sense idea in the world, but if any of you are like my husband you may benefit from these few tips.

1. When planning a potluck write down all the essentials (plates, spoons, forks, etc.)
2. As the host you should provide the meat ONLY!! (well maybe one side)
3. Don't be afraid to let people know what to bring
4. Always enlist 2 people for the same item (just in case)
5. Keep your list by your phone because there is always going to be that person that calls last minute wanting you to suggest something to bring. This way you know exactly what you may need.

We just had a potluck party at our house this weekend and it went beautifully. My husband coordinated this one and he did do a great job of getting everyone here. Unfortunately quite a few of our guests were at a loss as to what to bring so they called me for suggestions. This is where the list comes in really handy. There were probably 20 people at our house and on our end the whole thing cost $50. Yay for delegation!!

If you have a Super Saving tip that you would like to share, send it in to Have a great day!

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