Saturday, May 30, 2009

Family Dinner Friday---Only one day Late ;-)

Fridays I would love to start posting different recipes from your family dinners. I personally feel as though whatever meal it is, that a family meal at the table is the most important meal of the day.

Sometimes though we get into ruts and end up tired of our own repertoire of recipes. That is where Family Dinner Fridays comes in. A good friend of mine told me once to participate in as many potluck functions as possible because that's the quickest way to develop your choices. Seems like a pretty common sense suggestion, which is working well for her as she and two of her friends are currently working on a cookbook. For more info check out the blog Now on to the food!!!!

Nicole Elliot was the first to respond to the Family Dinner Fridays request (honestly I think she's my only fan at this point, come on prove me wrong!!). Here are her words on how her dinner turned out....

Since money's been a little on the tight side lately I decided to use Allison's great suggestion from last week's Super Saver Sunday and throw a meal together using things I already had in my pantry. The result was the creation of this meal (I came up with the recipe myself!) and I was so happy that it actually turned out super tasty! Here's the recipe!

Fettuccine Pesto Chicken

1/2 a box of fettuccine pasta
Classico Creations Pesto Sauce
3 to 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

Cook pasta according to box directions, set aside. While pasta is boiling cut up chicken into small, bite sized pieces. Cook in a skillet with butter about 5 minutes or until the pieces are cooked all the way through. Cook bacon and cut into small pieces. Mix everything together and serve. Enjoy!

MMMM!!Looks great!!!
Here is my own add for this weeks Family Dinner. Unfortunately this was not Friday's Dinner (Little Ceasar's Pizza, which was NOT on the menu this week but life happened), but was a meal I had cooked last week that was so scrumptuous that it had to be photographed! Now with recipes I am not too religious with since I cook by smell and eyeball things a lot. Which is why Rachael Ray is one of my Favs and like her I am not a stellar baker. But I will try to do my best to remember what I put in this bad boy.

Summer Squash/Leftover Casserol
2-3 Yellow squash and or Zucchini
1 1/2 c frozen corn
2 carrots peeled
2 egg whites
1c brown rice
Salt and pepper to taste
pinch of Basil
pinch of parsley
Bisquik (enough prepared to cover the top)

Prepare your rice as instructed minus 15 min (It will finish cooking in the oven
When rice is prepared preheat oven to 350 degrees
Chop all veggies and steam them (for 2 min ONLY!!!)
When rice is cooked, sautee for a few minutes with egg whites
Add veggies and spices
Spread entire mixture into a casserol dish and top with Bisquik mixture

Bake in oven for approx 20 min or until top is nice and brown. Serve and enjoy!! This is a great healthy comfort food too! And my carnivores didn't even complain that there wasn't any meat!!

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