Thursday, July 9, 2009

Super Awesome Finds!!

I don't know about you but I just get giddy all over when I stumble across a deal, a freebie, or any absolutely awesome something. Whether it comes from a friend, a blog, or a late night stroll across the world wide web, awesome deals are just....awesome!!

In a previous post I talked about the Miami Children's Museum offering their Free Friday every third Friday of the month, well I had heard rumors that the Miami Art Museum offered the same kind of deal but wasn't too sure when the dates were. Well today I found out!!

I am a part of a Meetup Group for "Natural Mamas" and we mainly discuss things through e-mail threads. One of these wonderful ladies sent us the e-mail on free events in and around Miami and lo and behold the Miami Art Museum was on the List!! And the best part of all?? Free weekend is this comming weekend!! YAYAYAYAY!!

I am so excited, I love to go and experience art and just get wrapped up in it. My son loves it too as the bright colors and abstract paintings lead to wild imaginations and long discussions. He is my artsy guy. My daughter however could care less. Give her dirt she's happy. But we are off this Saturday to Check it out!! But look for yourself online at

Score #2 TODAY was for Bank Of America customers. BOA has partnered with a few museums around the nation and allow their customers in free on certain weekends! And boy oh boy there are listings in Miami!!! It ranges from the Miami Art Museum to the Miami Science Museum and all around. There are locations in Ft Lauderdale and beyond!! Check it out to see if there is anything cool and FREE near you at

With all these freebies around here my social calendar is getting full... well my kids social calendar anyways lol!!!

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